brigadeiros, brazilian chocolate sweetThat’s what Fahim, the silly boy, calls ’em. They’re really called brigadeiros. They’re a Brazilian treat I learned about on Craftster.

The directions in that thread say to microwave the ingredients in a deep container for 6 minutes on high. That didn’t work for me or a few others, unfortunately. When I took the concoction out of the microwave (6 minutes at 900 watts), they were dry and crumbly, which means they were cooked too long/at too high of a temperature, which can only mean that my microwave on high is more powerful than the microwave of the person who posted the recipe.

The second time I tried it, I set the microwave to 720 watts for 5 minutes, and it still came out overcooked. Not as badly as the first time, but still.

The third time I made this, this time with the recipe bumped up for quantities for 525g of sweetened condensed milk (the size of the cans at the store is not predictable – we get what we get :)) and nuked it at 540 watts for 6 minutes.  Still overcooked, but not nearly as bad as the two previous attempts.

I suspect that, at 540 watts, 5 minutes might be about right. If I were to do it in the microwave again, I’d use 540 watts for 3 minutes, then nuke another 30 seconds at a time, stirring in between and monitoring how cooked it is.

The fourth time I made it, I cooked it on the stove. Success! Beautiful beautiful chocolately gooey goodness success!

A note for the grid for the recipes – sweetened condensed milk cans come in two sizes here, so it made sense for me to convert the recipe to include the larger can as well. Go with whichever size can of sweetened condensed milk you have. 🙂



397 ml (14 oz) 525 grams sweetened condensed milk
14 grams (1 T) 19 grams (1 1/2 T) butter
28 grams (4 T) 38 grams (5 1/2 T) cocoa


  1. Put all ingredients in a heavy pot over medium-high heat. Stir constantly.
  2. When the mixture boils, you’re about halfway done. At that point, reduce the heat to medium and don’t stop stirring!
  3. When the mixture comes off the bottom of the pot when you stir it, it’s done.
  4. Remove from heat and let cool.
  5. Once cool, roll into balls (butter your hands first to help prevent sticking) and roll in icing sugar, cocoa, nut flour or chopped nuts, desiccated coconut, sprinkles, or anything else you like.
  6. Store in the refrigerator. Keeps for 5-6 days.

brigadeiros, brazilian chocolate sweet brigadeiros, brazilian chocolate sweet brigadeiros, brazilian chocolate sweet brigadeiros, brazilian chocolate sweet brigadeiros, brazilian chocolate sweet

Optionally, you could add 1/4 teaspoon of peppermint, almond, cherry, or some other flavour extract. Or, if you love coconut like I do, you could add 50 or so grams of desiccated coconut. Or chopped nuts or Smarties (for the Canadians) or M&Ms (for Canadians & Americans) or…

When I added the coconut, it was immediately after the mixture had finished cooking and was removed from heat.

Fahim and I love these. No, that’s a severe understatement… 😀

They’re fairly quick and easy, and did I mention the chocolate? 😀 These definitely fill that chocolate craving gap but good. 😀

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