Nanaimo Bars. Because Fahim is who he is, he’s calling them NaNoWriMo Bars. But we’ll just ignore him, shall we? ๐Ÿ™‚ Nanaimo Bars. Ah, that brings back memories. ๐Ÿ™‚ Nanaimo Bars have been a part of my life for a good long time. Since I belong to a family of adamant chocaholics, Nanaimo Bars have …

This is another larabar recipe from Chocolate and Zucchini, this time from her blog post and not from the comments section. I hadn’t heard of larabars until I read about them on Chocolate and Zucchini, but they sounded good, so I gave them a try. Homemade Chocolate Lรคrabars Ingredients 300 grams (10 1/2 ounces) dates …

Fahim’s already started calling these Laramie Bars, and once he starts something, he’s not inclined to let it go. He changes the names for everything, so I really should be used to this by now… :p Larabars. I came across a post over on Chocolate and Zucchini about them a couple of weeks ago and …

It’s just not the same as it was in Canada, let me tell you. ๐Ÿ™‚ There’s a shop at the end of our road, about 50 meters away. It’s a small shop, about 6’x6′. When Fahim buys eggs for me from there (he goes because they don’t speak English and would not understand me, or …

This is the next bread in line for the Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge. I haven’t had challah before, nor have I ever seen it. I knew that it was a Jewish traditional bread and a favourite of some Jewish friends, and I knew it was usually braided. And that’s the extent of my knowledge about …

This week’s bread for the Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge is Peter Reinhart’s Casatiello. Which I consistently and unashamedly misspelled and mispronounced. It’s the Italian answer to brioche, but with meat and cheese inside. Or, at least, mostly inside… I halved the recipe and converted it to grams. I replaced the yeast with sourdough starter and …